Friday, September 19, 2008

Oooh, Barracuda...

Hello again Patriots.

Well, they're at it again! The "whacked-out-on-the-drug" left wingers have started launching more attacks against Sister Palin and her foreign policy experience. I thought that my last post would silence the critics, but what liberal would read good, common sense talk when there's so much of the pornography to gawk at instead? No, this time the granola-eaters are taking aim at Sarah-cuda's travels abroad. Just read this article.

If you're like me, your American Family Radio sin-ternet filter will most likely block CNN, and for good cause. I for one certainly don't want Lou Dobbs on my TV, much less in my e-vangelizing box. This article claims that Governor Palin lied about visiting troops in Iraq because she never actually crossed the Iraq-Kuwait border. Friends, If the Word has taught us anything, its that thinking about doing something is equivalent to actually doing it. For example, a person with lustful thoughts has already sinned to the equivalent level as though they had actually done the "sinner's bop" with that person. If Sister Palin thought about going into Iraq, she practically did! Now I know some of you left-wingers are going to say "That doesn't make sense!" and "I don't even believe that!" Yeah, well you can yell that on the day of Judgment as you're dropping into a fiery lake.

As if questioning her intentions weren't bad enough, these SIN-N-N reporters actually have the nerve to criticize Governor Palin's actual travel. Just look at this quote:

"...campaign aides also confirmed reports to CNN Saturday that Palin's time in Ireland on that trip had actually been a refueling stop."

As if that weren't valuable foreign experience. Folks, all you need to know about any place in the world can be learned stopping for gas. For example, I stopped in at a Texaco in North Dakota and left feeling like I had lived in the state my entire life! Between the collectors spoons, clever hats, and nice fellow giving me directions to Utah, I was practically a local! I'm sure that Sarah's time in Ireland was all she needed to gather the intelligence necessary to confirm that Ireland is just a bunch of drunken revelers waiting for their next whiskey fix. After all, what could possibly be learned about Ireland that the Sky-Ireland Sky Mall Magazine couldn't teach you?

Finally, the Wolf-Decency-Blitzers over at CNN were sure to point out that Sister Palin visited Mexico once on a personal vacation in an effort to demean her foreign travels. Friends, a novelty t-shirt is all the proof of foreign policy experience that I need. After all, what is the extent of Senator Hussein Obama's travels? Oh yeah, I'm sure that he has visited Iran to go to Mosque many times, but did he ever even stop for gas there? Of course not! It is a known fact that Camels are powered by Islamo-fascism, not gasoline! I demand to see even one Tehran collectors spoon in Sin-ator Obama's collection. I bet you'll find that he doesn't have one! However, I'll bet you'll find a "Someone in Mexico Loves Me" t-shirt in Bristol Palin's closet! Even more proof that Governor Palin is ready to lead if the Good Lord calls Brother McCain to his left Hand.

That's all for now. Remember friends, the best way to help the economy is to double your investment in the offering plate on Sunday. Nothing says "economic security" like a neon sign flashing the wisdom of Paul. Good day, and God bless.

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