Friday, September 12, 2008

Palin Comparison

Hello again patriots. I don't have much time to write today, as I am currently preparing for God's wrath against Galveston, TX. How fitting that the good Lord would dispatch former President Dwight Eisenhower in the form of wind and rain to wipe clean the sin of Galveston's "spring breakers" and "hussies gone wild." I hope that in another 50 years Hurri-McCain can wipe New Orleans clean again of all of its filth and excess.

Now, on to business. Some in the "so far to the left they're about to fall off the edge of the Earth (yes its flat, get over it whores of science) media" types have questioned Saintly Sarah Palin's foreign policy experience. They claim that her resume doesn't support her claims of being ready to take over in case the good Lord decides to call Brother McCain home. Now, I had my globe flattened to better represent the real shape of Earth, but I'm told that Alaska is close to Russia. What is more qualifying than that? I say that proximity is tantamount to any other factor in determining readiness. For example, Senator Obama's proximity to the inner-city as a "community organizer" in Chicago makes him qualified to be a gang-banger. I know, some of you out there will say, "Stop picking on community organizing, it's an important facet of social life!" Friends, organizing looting so that its done in a single-file line is not community organizing, it's organized thuggery. Thank you for that Senator Obama!

For proof of Sarah Palin's foreign policy prowess, just read the excerpts from an interview she gave with Charles in Charge Gibson on All Bashing Conservatives (ABC) answering a question about Russia invading Georgia:

"We have got to show the support, in this case, for Georgia. The support that we can show is economic sanctions perhaps against Russia if this is what it leads to."

Thank you Governor Palin for finally taking stand! Now, don't for a second think that I'm happy that we are spending taxpayers' money defending a state that elected Jimmy "Hug-Em-All" Carter, but consider the implications! First, Georgia goes, then goes the rest of the Bible belt! I assure you Patriots, if the Bible Belt falls, the pants of America will be down around its ankles and we will be open for any floozy, radical Islamo-fascist leader to seduce them right off of us!

What is really shocking is that the Commie left-wing media hasn't reported that America is being invaded! Are they really that willing to hike up the skirt of Capitalism and Christianity to Putin and his Red ways? We have to uncover the conspiracy to keep Georgia's invasion a secret. Let Atlanta go, but save the rest for evangelizing!

Those critics of Vice-President Palin that claim she doesn't know foreign policy clearly don't live in Georgia. Allow me to voice my support for Governor Palin and say that her beauty is only matched by her stellar qualifications and intelligence. McCain/Palin '08!

Until next time, I'll weather the storm... and so will we all. Good day, and God bless.

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